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What is SpyParty?
SpyParty is a spy game about human behavior, performance, perception, and deception. While most espionage games have you spend your time shooting stuff, blowing stuff up, and driving fast, SpyParty has you hide in plain sight, deceive your opponent, and detect subtle behavioral tells to achieve your objectives.
Unlike the suave and confident spies you might find in films or books, most spies in spy games are more like super powered commandos--more Rambo than James Bond. By contrast, SpyParty is a new and quite different game about the more interesting and deeper aspects of being a spy.
Category Archives: Fun Stuff
Highlights: The SCL Season 4 Hype Reel
This video is a big thank you to the community volunteers who ran this cast all season long. They’ve been extremely generous with their time and, as you can see, with their enthusiasm. It’s been a joy casting with you all, so I gave you the collective honor of counting us in to some of the funniest and most exciting moments of SCL Season 4. Thank you!
Great Moments in Video Game Headwear
Full context: from Sunday’s NA cast of the slappydavis-drawnonward Platinum Week 2 match.
The Bridge Cast is an Actual Thing
I know what you’re probably asking: what is Bridge Cast? Is it an actual podcast about bridges? Is it an inside joke taken way, way too far? What do bridges have to do with SpyParty? The answer to all of these questions is “yes.”
Without further ado:
Slightly Subtle feat. Chris Hecker
SpyParty player and Diamond League SCL Competitor @bloom_sp recently posted this tremendous song made up of game sound effects and snippets of developer Chris Hecker’s streams and interviews. Give it a listen:
Which SpyParty Player Are You?
The inimitable Drawnonward has created a quiz called Which SpyParty Player Are You? I took it and didn’t get myself, so it’s obviously a huge fraud and a tremendous waste of time. But you should take it anyway!
So this is what happens when I have too much free time ~ ~ @SpyParty Quiz!
— Drawnonward (@Drawnonward) June 2, 2016