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What is SpyParty?

SpyParty is a spy game about human behavior, performance, perception, and deception. While most espionage games have you spend your time shooting stuff, blowing stuff up, and driving fast, SpyParty has you hide in plain sight, deceive your opponent, and detect subtle behavioral tells to achieve your objectives.

Category Archives: Fun Stuff

Track’s PAX Trax: Day 2 – Crowd Walla

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Track’s PAX Trax: Day 1 – Time of Chaos

Five songs per day accompany your commute to the convention center, or just to put you in the PAX frame of mind.

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Still Image Tsumego Puzzles – Set #2

You should know who the spy is and why the spy is the spy.

Hints vary in quality and how much they reveal, but are mostly meant to help. Gender reveals the gender of the spy, so it should be about a 50% cut in possible suspects each time (casts were selected randomly).

The first five are “easier.” All 12 are courtesy of abearRAWR, who also created the first set of still image puzzles.

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Blindfolded SpyParty

SpyParty is a deep and complicated game people play for thousands of hours. Blindfolded SpyParty is not.

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SpyParty Tsumego Puzzles – Set #4

We gave you a short break after abearRAWR’s still image puzzles, and now we’re back with three more video entries from Plastikqs. Answers coming next week. Enjoy!

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Still Image Tsumego Puzzles

As a small change of pace from the last couple of weeks, we present these still image puzzles created by abearRAWR. As with the video puzzles of the previous weeks, you should be able to spot the spy in all of them, though in some cases the giveaway is extremely subtle. The last one, in particular, requires some outside-the-box thinking. You can (and probably should) click on each to bring up a larger version. Good luck, and good hunting:

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SpyParty Tsumego Puzzles – Set #3

It’s Monday, so that means more SpyParty Tsumego puzzles! These three new entries are, again, courtesy of Plastikqs, and you may have noticed a gradual increase in difficulty. Enjoy, and good luck!

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SpyParty Tsumego Puzzles – Set #2

After the great response last week, Plastikqs is back with three more puzzles for you to devour. We don’t know what’s easy or hard any more, so the difficulty labels have been removed this time; you can decide between yourselves how they should be ranked!

Thank you to everyone for giving their suggestions for future puzzles; they’ll appear eventually, so you’ll be able to see if you get tricked by your own ideas.

Good luck and enjoy!

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SpyParty Tsumego Puzzles

Tsumego is a term used in the game Go to describe small puzzles which focus on whether a group of stones are “alive” or “dead” (captured). With that in mind, Plastikqs presents a new series of small SpyParty tsumego puzzles.

Each clip is about 30 seconds long, and there are no markers or identifiers present. However, the Spy is in there somewhere, and will do something that only a Spy would. If you find yourself saying “well, I guess the spy might do that,” you haven’t yet found the solution. When you find the solution, you’ll know.

These are arranged in what we expect will be ascending order of difficulty, and the solutions will be posted the following week along with three new puzzles. Enjoy!

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Bloom’s Casting Mix Track

Once again, SCL Diamond Leaguer @bloom_sp has posted a mash-up of music and SpyParty cast dialogue. The dialogue is from multiple casts spanning both the SCL and the Summer Cup, among them the Season 4 Championship Cast.

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